Monthly Archives: July 2013

40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt like you had no energy left, that the you cannot go on any further, or that you have tried every way possible and feel like giving up? Well this inspirational video here should be the answer to your problems and may be just what you need to break through!

8 Important Reasons Why You Should Be More Independen

We naturally become more independent as we progress through life. We move away from our parents, and any bonds that once sustained us from our childhood are slowly diminished as we move into “The Real World“. Some people however form a set of new bonds as they move away from home and they never actually grow to be truly independent. There are many reasons why we should be more independent. Independence here refers to all aspects of your life including financial, career, emotional, personal faith and beliefs.

So here are the 8 important reasons why you should be more independent.



8 Reasons Why You Should Be More Independent


1 –  Personal independence boosts your confidence

Independent people naturally tend to be a little more confident on handling issues affecting their lives. This is mainly because they are more prepared to take actions and do things without having to wait for support or permission from someone else. Being independent therefore means that you will be more likely to try out new things that you want, rather than what or how you are expected to. This also means that you will have more experience than a less independent individual. This will in time build up more confidence in you with the knowledge that you can do things on your own.

For entrepreneurs, this confidence opens your mind to taking bigger risks and unbeaten paths that eventually returns bigger rewards.


2 – Less reliance on others

Less independent individuals tend to rely so much on others. This may be because they do not want to have to make choices for themselves or they feel too shy to go through challenges in their life without somebody by their side. This character makes you appear overly needy. Being a little more independent will be much appreciated by people and they will be willing to come to you for help. Being needed or relied upon is what many crave for; this will add some value on you and make you feel important.


3 – Emotional independence reduces stress and promotes happiness

Being emotionally dependent means that you can make the most of your personal decisions and go through challenging life situations without necessarily dragging other people into it. More emotional independence can also mean less suffering and disappointment, since you do not depend on others to meet you emotional needs. It is however good to understand that social support is necessary, but you can still get it without necessarily being emotionally dependent.


4 – Financial independence means freedom and a sense of accomplishment

When it comes to personal independence, there is no satisfaction comparable to the ability to pay your own bills. Being able to pay your way through life reduces dependence on your parents, friends, spouse or whichever person you used to lean on. Financial independence means that you control your income and expenditure and you are not answerable to anybody.

The more that you learn to become financially independent, the less stress you may have in your life as you are more in control of your financial outcome.


Be Your Own Hero - Be More Independent


5 – Better decision making

Being independent makes decision making an easy task; this is because you have proven to yourself that you are the only person that will be really affected by the decisions you make. On the other hand, being dependent on other people for emotional or financial support makes it difficult to make clear and appropriate decisions; this is because you will always have to stop to think about how the other person will be affected, and how they will react to your decisions. Whereas it is a good idea to consider other people while making decisions, being scared to make choices in fear of upsetting others can greatly hold you back.


6 – Personal improvement and creativity

The idea of setting independence as a goal can greatly boost multiple aspects of your life. Emotional independence for example improves your personal relations with friends, family, work mates and other people you interact with. You become more in control of your emotions such as anger, over-excitement, anxiety, mood swings and so on. Having a free and independent mind gives you freedom to explore your skills and talents and will ultimately bring out the best in you.


7 – Broader horizons

To be more independent means being prepared and free to meet new people and try new things. This in turn means that you will develop a broader sense of the world and be open to people and new opportunities; which leads to more knowledge and understanding of the world. It is in these deeper horizons that lies opportunities for success and adventure. Less independent individuals are less likely to have such opportunities. This is in fact is what sets successful entrepreneurs apart from the rest.


8 – Self-value and self-esteem

Independence can help increase your self-value and self-esteem, more so if becoming independent is one of your goals. The achievement of financial, emotional, social, career and personal independence gives you a sense of accomplishment that eventually changes how you rate yourself and how others view you.

The increased self-worth that comes with this independence is a great booster to your self-esteem and personal success.

A Very Inspirational Woman At Nearly 90 Yrs Old

Phyllis Sues is walking proof that age is nothing but a number, because at 89 yrs old she is doing practically anything she wants.

Phyllis has proven to those around her that there are no limitations, just dreams to be fulfilled.

The 9 CRAZIEST “Late for Work” Excuses!

Okay, we all know being on time (or even early) is ESSENTIAL to growth and success at your job.

Angry bear


Apparently, 26 percent of full-time employees surveyed confessed to being late at least once a month, and 16 percent are late at least once a week.

Check out some of these OUTRAGEOUS excuses employees around the world have made for why they were late to work!

Included in the “why I’m late” hall of fame:

1) The employee who said his car wouldn’t start because the breathalyzer showed he was intoxicated.

2) The employee who supposedly delivered a baby on the highway shoulder.

3) The employee who used a photo to prove they were the victim of a bear attack.

4) The employee who dropped her purse into a coin-operated newspaper dispenser—the change she needed to get it out was inside her purse!

5) The employee who left his apartment wearing his roommate’s girlfriend’s shoes.

6) The employee whose wife froze the keys to his truck in a glass of water.

7) The employee who botched a home haircut and had to wait for a barber shop to open and salvage his mane.

8) The employee who drove to a previous office instead.

9) The employee who was late because she was putting a raincoat on a cement lawn duck in advance of expected afternoon showers.

But excuses are not an area in which points are awarded for creativity.

Employees who blame ducks, babies, and bears (oh my!) for preventing promptness might want to take a look at another number in the survey: more than one third of hiring managers say they have fired someone because they were late. WOW! So think twice before hitting that snooze button in the morning! Get up, get out, and be on time!




Simon Sinek Interview

Simon Sinek, best known for popularizing the concept of “the golden circle”, Simon offers his perspective on the human drive and passion to start something new, innovate and realize the vision of becoming market leaders.

Will Smith’s Top 9 Inspirational Quotes


Maybe you see Will Smith as just some awesome guy with an arsenal of talents. He can rap and act, he’s charismatic and cool.  At Boardwalk, we think he is all that and more!

Will has an undeniable track record of success that anyone would be envious of. What you may not know about The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is that, upon digging deeper, he’s a great source of inspiration filled with deep philosophy.


“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”

That’s how it is for everyone of us. “Throughout life”, meaning life doesn’t stop for any of us.  And along with that, the 7 billion people on this planet are all here to stay, and some of them are bound to make you feel less-than-stellar, one time or another.

So don’t get too affected by them or even allow them to bring you down. Just let it go, and move on with life. Let God, or well if you don’t believe in God, let the universe deal with them on its own.


“We spend money that we do not have, on things we do not need, to impress people who do not care.”

Is money controlling your life? Are you working hard for money to get luxuries and other stuff for a certain kind of image you want to portray?

Money is important in life, but it’s more important to not be consumed by it. Remember that there’s more to life than just buying things. Go out and live.


“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.”

Hey nothing wrong with being realistic. We’re only human.

But don’t ever let the idea of being realistic hold you back. Being realistic doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take risks. It shouldn’t scare you! Don’t be mediocre. Work hard for what you want, even if what you want seems crazy to others.


“Money & success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.”

You’re totally special and entirely amazing the way you are. You have unique talents.

You have natural abilities. They all make up for the only [insert your name] that is in this world.

Too bad that a lot of people think money and a proven track record are needed to soar in life. You don’t. Give yourself a chance, and try, you can pretty much do anything.


“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings & emotions”.

Stop caring about what others think of you, especially from people you hardly even know!

Stop being so affected by the things they say or do to the point where your mind is clouded by them and your left with nothing but unhappy feelings inside.

Let these unimportant people go by your life. You don’t know them well, so don’t let them impact you in ways you don’t want.


“You can cry, ain’t no shame in it. “

If you’re sad, express it. We’ve created ideas around crying today such that people repress themselves, which isn’t healthy.

Crying is a very natural thing for all of us. Don’t be ashamed about it just because you’re human.



“The things that have been most valuable to me I did not learn in school. “

Getting an education may be important, but that’s not all to life.

You can learn a huge load outside of school, not by a teacher. And you don’t need to be validated by grades. Grades don’t judge your degree of competence.

Go out and experience life. Your very own experience is a great teacher on its own and the lessons you learn will stick with you for life.



“The first step is you have to say that you can. “

It’s all about attitude.

Whatever goal you want to reach, whatever you want to do in life, your success originates from your attitude.

And it’s got to be a good one. Believe that you can, and you’ll never know what you can achieve in life.



And my all time favourite quote…

“The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is that I’m not afraid to DIE on a treadmill. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, but if we get on a treadmill together, there are two things:

1- You’re getting off first


2- I’m gonna DIE

It’s really that simple”


Pure determination, pure confidence.

Nothing more, nothing less. Look at Will Smith today.

Work hard, and you’ll definitely get what you want in life.


Six Things Extremely Likeable People Do!










Six Things Extremely Likeable People Do


When you meet someone, after you’ve already asked “How are you?” “What do you do?” you’re out of things to say. You are not good at small talk, and those can be a tough five minute to endure. This is especially awkward during interviews. At Boardwalk, we are currently hiring for an entry-level position, and we’d like to give everyone a few tips on how to be a more likeable person!



Lose the power pose.

I know, your parents taught you to stand tall, square your shoulders, stride purposefully forward, drop your voice a couple of registers, and shake hands with a firm grip.

It’s great to display nonverbal self-confidence, but go too far and it seems like you’re trying to establish your importance. That makes the “meeting” seem like it’s more about you than it is the other person–and no one likes that.

Next time you meet someone, relax, step forward, tilt your head towards them slightly, smile, and show that you’re the one who is honored by the introduction–not them.

Embrace the power of touch.

Touch can influence behavior, increase the chances of compliance, make the person doing the touching seem more attractive and friendly.

Go easy, of course: Pat the other person lightly on the upper arm or shoulder. Make it casual and nonthreatening.

Try this: The next time you walk up behind a person you know, touch them lightly on the shoulder as you go by. I guarantee you’ll feel like a more genuine greeting was exchanged.

Touch breaks down natural barriers and decreases the real and perceived distance between you and the other person–a key component in liking and in being liked.

Whip out your social jiu-jitsu.

You meet someone. You talk for 15 minutes. You walk away thinking, “Wow, we just had a great conversation. She is awesome.”

Then, when you think about it later, you realize you didn’t learn a thing about the other person.

Remarkably likeable people are masters at Social Jiu-Jitsu, the ancient art of getting you to talk about yourself without you ever knowing it happened.

Social jiu-jitsu is easy. Just ask the right questions. Stay open-ended and allow room for description and introspection. Ask how, or why, or who.

As soon as you learn a little about someone, ask how they did it. Or why they did it. Or what they liked about it, or what they learned from it, or what you should do if you’re in a similar situation.

No one gets too much recognition. Asking the right questions implicitly shows you respect another person’s opinion–and, by extension, the person.

Be genuine.

Everyone is better than you at something. Let them be better than you.

Don’t try to win the “getting to know someone” competition. Try to lose. Be complimentary. Be impressed. Admit a failing or a weakness.

You don’t have to disclose your darkest secrets. If the other person says, “We just purchased a larger facility,” say, “That’s awesome. I have to admit I’m jealous. We’ve wanted to move for a couple years but haven’t been able to put together the financing. How did you pull it off?”

Don’t be afraid to show a little vulnerability. People may be (momentarily) impressed by the artificial, but people sincerely like the genuine.

Be the real you. People will like the real you.

Ask for nothing.

You know the moment: You’re having a great conversation, you’re finding things in common… and then bam! Someone plays the networking card, and everything about your interaction changes.

Put away the hard-charging, goal-oriented, always-on kinda persona. If you have to ask for something, find a way to help the other person, then ask if you can.

Remarkably likeable people focus on what they can do for you–not for themselves.

“Close” genuinely.

“Nice to meet you,” you say, nodding once as you part. That’s the standard move, one that is instantly forgettable.

Instead go back to the beginning. Shake hands again. Use your free hand to gently touch the other person’s forearm or shoulder. Say, “I am really glad I met you.” Or say, “You know, I really enjoyed talking with you.” Smile: Not that insincere salesperson smile that goes with, “Have a nice day!” but a genuine, appreciative smile.

Making a great first impression is important, but so is making a great last impression.

Accept that it isn’t easy.

All this sounds simple, right? It is. But it’s not easy, especially if you’re shy. The standard, power pose, “Hello, how are you, good to meet you, good seeing you,” shuffle feels a lot safer.

But it won’t make people like you.

So accept it’s hard. Accept that being a little more deferential, a little more genuine, a little more complimentary and a little more vulnerable means putting yourself out there. Accept that at first it will feel risky.

But don’t worry: When you help people feel a little better about themselves–which is reason enough–they’ll like you for it.

And you’ll like yourself a little more, too.

So I hope that helped! Now, put those skills to the test! Get out there are meet new people! Also, if you’re interested in a business opportunity in the Indianapolis area, give me a call or shoot me an email with your resume attached. I’d love to talk to you more about the opportunity and let you put your new skills to the test!

How Bad do You Want It?

Renowned speaker, educator, author, activist and minister, Eric Thomas speech on success. Take action and choose to want success right now. Just make the decision to make a change in your life.